Sunday, September 23, 2012

Touring in Guangzhou

Breakfasts here at the China Hotel have been a favorite!  Ike loves the French Toast, Bjorn the steamed dumplings, Oskar pancakes with chocolate syrup, Matt the coffee and made-to-order noodles, Kris the mango and star fruit, and Ingrid.... she is eating up a storm!  At the orphanage they told us she was eating only formula with some cereal in a bottle.  For us she is eating watermelon, biscuits, dumplings, congee, and more!  We are hoping to put a little fat on her sweet little body!

We went with all of the other families from our agency to the Guangzhou Folk Art Museum today.  The boys did great running around looking at bone carvings, watching an artist paint with his fingers, see jade and scrolls and beautiful art work amidst a gorgeous open area with wonderful architecture.

Next we went to a supermarket for water and noodles and to see if they have any pants or shorts that may fit little Ingrid.  The 12 month size shorts slide right off her little body!  
 Ike buys a basketball for $5 and the boys all play outside in 90 degree heat with extra high humidity. They love it!
 Bjorn gets a chair massage much to the stares and smiles of the Chinese women around him!
Ike spins the wheel to win something?
She is absolutely coming alive around our family!  She smiles and adores her brothers!  Every second she is trying to get down and run or walk somewhere.  She is not very stable on her own so we are right next to her and many tumbles have already happened.  Ingrid doesn't seem to know how to crawl, how to get from laying down to sitting, nor does she go from sitting to standing on her own.  She is walking and saying little babbles, hugging, and when she looks at you your heart melts!  Each day she is eating new foods.   It's so fun to see her coming alive and starting to trust each of us.  I am still not her favorite, but she lets me feed her and she will walk with me and she watches me everywhere.  I even see her sneak a smile at me!  Matt and boys can take her anywhere, and starting now to be a little concerned about teaching the boys how to hold this little peanut!

This is the look Ingrid sneaks to her mom!

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