Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Noah is on his way home so he won't miss more school!

Our Noah has made a connection in Shanghai and is now flying to Hong Kong.. He will stay overnight in Hong Kong and then fly through Tokyo to Mpls the next day. All by himself! Our little/big world traveler has no fear.  We are anxious to eventually hear that he made it safe but he is overly confident, has his passport, some money, and a Chinese translator on his phone! He will stay with Raymond and Sue in Hong Kong tonight. We met them through friends, the Helgesons. The Hong Kong couple is the Helgesons best friends' sister and her husband. Hard to follow that one! When we mentioned to the Helgesons that Noah had thought he could make these flights and stay overnight in Hong Kong alone, we laughed. They told us we should meet their best friends' sister when they visited Mpls this past summer. What a long shot, but it worked!!! We met Raymond and Sue and their boys one morning at a bagel shop last July. They are originally from Malaysia but now live with their two boys in Hong Kong 10 minutes from the airport.  They do high school mission work and said they'd love to pick up Noah at the airport, keep him overnight, and get him on a flight the next morning. Through Facebook and a phone call we confirmed the date when we found out we could travel and... there it is!  Amazing how God's plans have allowed things to happen for our family!

What a great big brother!!!

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