Saturday, March 2, 2013

Happy Birthday Ingrid!!!!

Ingrid turns two!!!!

Our sweetie is wearing a birthday tshirt and getting ready for a small birthday party!

She is learning to say she's two!

Cute as a button but maybe needs a hair cut?


Boys taught her to "pose" for a picture.
Tonight we were going to celebrate.  It is an emotional birthday as it is our first birthday with Ingrid, and her second birthday, and we are just so thankful God created this sunshine!!!
First we will go back the past 2 weeks.
Sick!  Ingrid had a nasty virus and now the stomach bug.  Here's a few pictures.... no sparkle in her sweet eyes.
This was the start- not looking too happy.
It progressed from here....
Which landed her at Children's Hospital for some tests and IV's
She perked up with the IV's and popsicles, and was doing really well!
Then the stomach bug hit.
Tonight we are not having a party.  Both Oskar and Ingrid are sick, but here's a few of her Elmo favorites we will pull out again next week!
 Elmo balloons and cupcakes
Elmo treat bags
 Elmo vegetable tray! 
Elmo Trix bars

Ingrid ends her sick day eating red frosting on an Elmo cupcake.  We love you our little two year old!  We will celebrate soon!!

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