Monday, May 21, 2012

Ingrid Xinling Anderson!!!!

Yipee!  Wahoo!  We can't believe it!  What an incredible blessing from God!!!
The path to get to this point has been so interesting... many ups and downs and twists, so now we are in awe at God's hand in making this happen!!!! Here's some details:

*Ingrid's given name is Xinling which we think is pronounced (Shjin-ling).  We chose Ingrid because we love the name.  Yes, we know she will not look like other Ingrid Andersons with blonde hair and blue eyes and we are great with that.  We will celebrate her Chinese heritage as well as Norwegian, German, Swedish, and she may even be speaking French some day like her brothers!

*Ingrid was born with a heart condition called Tetrology of Fallot.  She had surgery in China at age 5 months.  She will eventually need another major heart surgery at age 11-12, but until then should be healthy.  Obviously there could be many hidden medical issues with this little sunshine, but we felt confident going forward with the process after having medical specialists review her file.

*We hope to travel in 3-4 months and we are not sure at this point who from the Anderson family is coming with us.  For sure it will be Matt and Kris traveling to China anywhere from 10-21 days.

*Praise God from whom all blessings flow! We know we have said that often these past few days as it is sinking in this incredible gift.  Tears are flowing pretty easy right now for sheer joy!  We will try and keep this blog going through the whole process!!!  Love to you from the whole family!!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Congratulations, Andersons!!! I am so happy for you all. What an amazing blessing. I can't wait to hear more about her and how you all are doing. God bless you all and lots of love from us all!


    Missy, Kurt, Anders, Bergen, and Soren
