Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yes! We really are adopting!!!!!!!!

We can hardly believe it's happening ourselves! This is something we have prayed about and talked about for years and now we're in the process for real! We are starting this blog so that family and friends can follow along on our journey. We also know you have a lot of questions, so here's a few answers for you!

* Are you nuts?

* How did this come about?
Going way back to 1987 when Kris was in India, she felt God had placed it on her heart to someday adopt. Adoption was not on Matt's heart for a very long time. Somehow, through God's grace, (and a nudge from the book A Hole in the Gospel), it was something Matt felt called to do as well. It has been many years of talking and praying and putting it on the back shelf. Now it's time and we know that it will all unfold in God's timing- not ours.

What do your boys think?
They say they are excited. We had hoped to not tell them until closer to the time when we know who the child is, but they will be interviewed by the social worker in the next week or so. She will ask them questions and look around the house. If the boys think they are funny this whole thing could be over! :)

Who? Where? When?
We will adopt a boy or girl age 2-4 years from either China (with minor medical needs) or from Ethiopia. We don't know how long it will take, but hoping within a year.

Are we nuts?
Yes. We already went over that.

Now what?
We will meet with our social worker on the 15th. Hopefully that week she will come to our house and finish our "homestudy". By then we will have picked a country and the paperwork will be sent to that country. After a while the country and our agency will match us with a child. We will try and post the weekend of the 19th with more information.

Oh my stars! It's still hard to believe for us. We are thankful for you and your love and prayers during this process. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!

Happy Valentines Day!
The Andersons


  1. Oh my gosh--what a nice surprise! We weren't sure what to expect when directed to check the back of the card. We half expected to see a picture of Kris with a little bump for her tummy!

    We are so excited for you and glad that you are sharing this news with us. We will be checking back for updates. Congratulations!!! The McIlwains

  2. We are so blessed to uphold you in prayer and you take this step of faith and become a forever family to one of God's children! You will be blessed beyond measure....and so will this little one. God already has him or her planned for you. You can rejoice in His sovereign hand in bringing this all about.....and we rejoice in sharing this journey with you.
    The Achterkirchs

  3. I was just bursting with joy for you all today...I laughed and cried for joy at how happy you must be! God Bless the process and may it all go quickly so this little child can be with her/his Daddy and Mommy and Big Brothers!! Love, Elaine

  4. When I flipped the card over I was expecting to see a picture of Matt's backyard rink . . . this is even MORE EXCITING!! All the best to you guys. Great parents, great kids and a great family - perfect spot for the little one to land. We look forward to following your journey and eventually welcoming Anderson number 7 into the community.
    The Helgesons

  5. WOW! Thrilling valentine news, our hearts are full!
    Your little angel is already here on earth, aren't you already excited to have have him/her join the family?! Fortunate is your little someone to get to be part of the Anderson clan. We love him/her already.
    Please keep us posted; this blog is a wonderful idea.
    Love, the Lindquists 7

  6. Wow! What a surprise! We pray that the process will go smoothly and that you will have your precidious little one in the very near future. He/She will be so fortunate to have 4 super brothers and 2 wonderful parents. Love to all of you - Uncle Paul & Aunt Marie

  7. WOW!! That is the best news we've heard in a long time! Congratulations to all 7 of you - we will be praying for you on this exciting journey! This child is a gift from God - and you will be blessed!
    Bill and Kris Rohlf, Henry, Charlie and Christopher
